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API-CHAT is a program of Bay Area Community Resources (BACR), BACR’s mission is to promote the healthy development of individuals and families, encourage service and volunteerism, and help build community. BACR provides direct school - and community-based services, like API-CHAT, and other programs that mobilize youth leaders to address tobacco-related health disparity issues in their communities and more. BACR’s services boost awareness and help individuals quit smoking/vaping. Core services include education, advocacy, and cessation (quitting) support.
These services are offered in Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Joaquin, and Solano counties in partnership with schools, community-based organizations, and public health agencies.Using a participatory Community Action Model, CAM (developed by the San Francisco Tobacco-Free Project), API-CHAT's youth leaders work fighting targeted tobacco marketing efforts, promoting smoke-free mutli-unit housing, advocating for tobacco retail licenses, and addressing smoke-free outdoor air.
API-CHAT works with high school students, college students, parents and community leaders to restore our community’s health by developing policies to combat the tobacco industry from infiltrating our communities and poisoning the next generation. To learn about the lesser-known practices of the tobacco industry, play our interactive game.
* This project is a collaboration with our community partners, Breathe California and Americans for Non-Smokers' Rights Foundation. This project also collaborates with students in Chabot College, Las Positas College, and DeAnza College.
APICHAT works with youth, young adults, and community members so that they can...
DeAnza Campus
tobacco survey report
In June of 2019, a team of trained Young Adult Leaders (YAL) from DeAnza College conducted surveys of students, faculty and staff on campus, asking their opinions about smoking and vaping on campus as well as potential new campus tobacco policies. Overall, 185 surveys were collected.
Las Positas Campus
Tobacco Survey Report
In April and May of 2019, a team of trained Young Adult Leaders (YAL) from Las Positas College conducted surveys of students, faculty, and staff on campus, asking their opinions about smoking and vaping on campus as well as potential new campus tobacco policies. Overall, 212 surveys were collected.